Aircraft Registration

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N Number Identification number assigned to aircraft also known as the airplane tail number or faa registration number N438QA
Registrant Name The first registrant’s name which appears on the registration application Registration Pending
Registered Address (available with membership or
data download)
Registrant Description
Individual, Partnership, Corporation, Co-Owned, Government
Certificate Issue Date
Date the Aircraft Registration Branch issued the Certificate of Aircraft Registration. If aircraft registration is based on a dealer's certificate, "None" will appear in this field.)
Registration Status Registration Pending
Aircraft Type
The classification of an aircraft based on construction and method of operation - glider, balloon, blimp/dirigible, fixed wing or rotorcraft.
Aircraft Manufacturer & Model Pezetel SZD-48-1JANTAR STD 2
Year Manufactured
Year the aircraft was manufactured based on information shown on the Application for Airworthiness Certificate and not necessarily the model year.
Serial Number
The unique number assigned by the manufacturer/builder.
W 908
Aircraft Transponder Code
Eight digit transponder address code assigned to each U.S. Registration Number as part of the Mode Select Beacon System (Mode S) and is sometimes referred to as the ICAO address code.
AirWorthiness Date 05/26/2011
Engine Type Description
The type of engine(s) installed on the aircraft - none, reciprocating, turbo-prop, turbo-shaft, turbo-jet, turbine-fan, ramjet, 2 cycle, 4 cycle
Engine Manufacturer & Model n/a
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